I've been preparing to get this tattoo for years. Preparations A - G were a complete failure. But now ladies and gentlemen, behold Preparation H! Done by Ian Friend @ High Street Tattoos in Columbus Ohio

I've been preparing to get this tattoo for years. Preparations A - G were a complete failure. But now ladies and gentlemen, behold Preparation H! Done by Ian Friend @ High Street Tattoos in Columbus Ohio

Title: tattoos
Image URL: https://i.redd.it/2dm329uoh0281.jpg
Auther: SkiisNuts
Post: November 27, 2021 at 03:25AM
Description: I've been preparing to get this tattoo for years. Preparations A - G were a complete failure. But now ladies and gentlemen, behold Preparation H! Done by Ian Friend @ High Street Tattoos in Columbus Ohio

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