How a boob tattoo ages. 4 yrs later. I keep seeing all these delicate little boob tattoos on Instagram and thinking they are gonna be disappointed in a couple years. I’m not tho. Still love my snakey. Done at Seven Swords in Philly, PA by Carlos Perez

How a boob tattoo ages. 4 yrs later. I keep seeing all these delicate little boob tattoos on Instagram and thinking they are gonna be disappointed in a couple years. I’m not tho. Still love my snakey. Done at Seven Swords in Philly, PA by Carlos Perez

Title: tattoos
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Auther: lilacmacchiato
Post: December 01, 2021 at 02:43AM
Description: How a boob tattoo ages. 4 yrs later. I keep seeing all these delicate little boob tattoos on Instagram and thinking they are gonna be disappointed in a couple years. I’m not tho. Still love my snakey. Done at Seven Swords in Philly, PA by Carlos Perez

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