MF DOOM inspired arm tat I just got yesterday. chrysanthemum flowers and passion flower as a nod to the tracks off his Special Herbs box set of the same name. done by Doug Hand at Northern Liberties Tattoo in Philly

MF DOOM inspired arm tat I just got yesterday. chrysanthemum flowers and passion flower as a nod to the tracks off his Special Herbs box set of the same name. done by Doug Hand at Northern Liberties Tattoo in Philly

Title: tattoos
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Auther: spindriftsupreme
Post: February 26, 2021 at 09:14AM
Description: MF DOOM inspired arm tat I just got yesterday. chrysanthemum flowers and passion flower as a nod to the tracks off his Special Herbs box set of the same name. done by Doug Hand at Northern Liberties Tattoo in Philly

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