2.5 hours later.....totally in love with MY piece. If you are looking for an artist that loves realism and line work check out Sean Hosier at Inkcredible in lancaster, PA. He's AMAZING.

2.5 hours later.....totally in love with MY piece. If you are looking for an artist that loves realism and line work check out Sean Hosier at Inkcredible in lancaster, PA. He's AMAZING.

Title: tattoos
Image URL: https://i.redd.it/asnl6hc9rwj61.jpg
Auther: effinels
Post: February 27, 2021 at 05:09AM
Description: 2.5 hours later.....totally in love with MY piece. If you are looking for an artist that loves realism and line work check out Sean Hosier at Inkcredible in lancaster, PA. He's AMAZING.

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