[NSFW] 5 months healed. Done by Josh Paisley at Dinkytown Tattoo, Minneapolis, MN (Josh has now relocated to Self Made Tattoo, Colorado Springs, CO)

[NSFW] 5 months healed. Done by Josh Paisley at Dinkytown Tattoo, Minneapolis, MN (Josh has now relocated to Self Made Tattoo, Colorado Springs, CO)

Title: tattoos
Image URL: https://i.redd.it/ckiy0swlnsb61.jpg
Auther: verselis
Post: January 17, 2021 at 06:48AM
Description: [NSFW] 5 months healed. Done by Josh Paisley at Dinkytown Tattoo, Minneapolis, MN (Josh has now relocated to Self Made Tattoo, Colorado Springs, CO)

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