Got my first tattoo now at 27. Fuck, shading sucks. Harry Potter was where my Mom and I first truly bonded and my Mom passed away a year ago. lifes been rather hell but has been looking up for me as of late and for the first time i could afford to get a tattoo done. Miss you Mom

Got my first tattoo now at 27. Fuck, shading sucks. Harry Potter was where my Mom and I first truly bonded and my Mom passed away a year ago. lifes been rather hell but has been looking up for me as of late and for the first time i could afford to get a tattoo done. Miss you Mom

Title: tattoos
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Auther: JimmyD145
Post: December 27, 2020 at 08:46PM
Description: Got my first tattoo now at 27. Fuck, shading sucks. Harry Potter was where my Mom and I first truly bonded and my Mom passed away a year ago. lifes been rather hell but has been looking up for me as of late and for the first time i could afford to get a tattoo done. Miss you Mom

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