Ryan from Red Arbor @ Sioux Falls, SD drew up this incredible Fuu thigh piece in less than 40 minutes. After six/seven hours this is how far we got. He’s finishing her up in October but already im so happy and excited about it

Ryan from Red Arbor @ Sioux Falls, SD drew up this incredible Fuu thigh piece in less than 40 minutes. After six/seven hours this is how far we got. He’s finishing her up in October but already im so happy and excited about it

Title: tattoos
Image URL: https://i.redd.it/5fxt0aga0tb51.jpg
Auther: kakashichill
Post: July 19, 2020 at 05:30PM
Description: Ryan from Red Arbor @ Sioux Falls, SD drew up this incredible Fuu thigh piece in less than 40 minutes. After six/seven hours this is how far we got. He’s finishing her up in October but already im so happy and excited about it

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