Hello! My name is Léo Campos and this is some of my work as a tattoo artist. I am living and working currently in downtown São Paulo/Brazil @ estudiocalma. I love to explore the lines and I really make efforts to make them very clear.

Hello! My name is Léo Campos and this is some of my work as a tattoo artist. I am living and working currently in downtown São Paulo/Brazil @ estudiocalma. I love to explore the lines and I really make efforts to make them very clear.

Title: tattoos
Image URL: https://preview.redd.it/lhx7jgwv7yb51.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=ade154aa3c8e330e2880cd2f1cfbecebd0ed5fed
Auther: camposleeo
Post: July 20, 2020 at 11:02AM
Description: Hello! My name is Léo Campos and this is some of my work as a tattoo artist. I am living and working currently in downtown São Paulo/Brazil @ estudiocalma. I love to explore the lines and I really make efforts to make them very clear.

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