A star’s demise at the hands of a black hole. This was when it was fresh. Couple few years old now. By Carlos Ransom of Abraxas Tattoo, Lawrence, KS.

A star’s demise at the hands of a black hole. This was when it was fresh. Couple few years old now. By Carlos Ransom of Abraxas Tattoo, Lawrence, KS.

Title: tattoos
Image URL: https://i.redd.it/drfuq6u7s1c51.jpg
Auther: Flint-Von-Cineac
Post: July 20, 2020 at 11:01PM
Description: A star’s demise at the hands of a black hole. This was when it was fresh. Couple few years old now. By Carlos Ransom of Abraxas Tattoo, Lawrence, KS.

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