Healed life cycle of star. Done by Ben Klishevskiy at Banana Tattoo in Moscow. Total work 22 hours in 4 sessions 17.- 18. 24.- 25. February.

Healed life cycle of star. Done by Ben Klishevskiy at Banana Tattoo in Moscow. Total work 22 hours in 4 sessions 17.- 18. 24.- 25. February.

Title: tattoos
Image URL: https://i.redd.it/9wbkqphwv6q41.jpg
Auther: simono149
Post: April 01, 2020 at 04:40PM
Description: Healed life cycle of star. Done by Ben Klishevskiy at Banana Tattoo in Moscow. Total work 22 hours in 4 sessions 17.- 18. 24.- 25. February.

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