OG post deleted as I didn't mention the artist. These are my two newest done by Kier Gill at Deadhouse in Manchester. I've always been a huge horror fan but my other tattoos are very cute and kawaii, so I opted for these! I'm in love with them!

OG post deleted as I didn't mention the artist. These are my two newest done by Kier Gill at Deadhouse in Manchester. I've always been a huge horror fan but my other tattoos are very cute and kawaii, so I opted for these! I'm in love with them!

Title: tattoos
Image URL: https://i.redd.it/mxl4xj4zmso41.jpg
Auther: SweaterStripey83
Post: March 25, 2020 at 03:41PM
Description: OG post deleted as I didn't mention the artist. These are my two newest done by Kier Gill at Deadhouse in Manchester. I've always been a huge horror fan but my other tattoos are very cute and kawaii, so I opted for these! I'm in love with them!

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