Mastectomy tattoo by Gail Perry @ Art Gallery Tattoo, Colorado Springs.. Wolf skull bc I have Lupus, scars X'd so I didn't lose them. Colorado Rockies with an abstract flower to cover an existing tattoo.

Mastectomy tattoo by Gail Perry @ Art Gallery Tattoo, Colorado Springs.. Wolf skull bc I have Lupus, scars X'd so I didn't lose them. Colorado Rockies with an abstract flower to cover an existing tattoo.

Title: tattoos
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Auther: Hopefool114
Post: November 27, 2019 at 04:37AM
Description: Mastectomy tattoo by Gail Perry @ Art Gallery Tattoo, Colorado Springs.. Wolf skull bc I have Lupus, scars X'd so I didn't lose them. Colorado Rockies with an abstract flower to cover an existing tattoo.

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